DAML Community Recognition Ceremony #2

It’s time to start nominating for the THIRD edition of our community recognition ceremony. Post in the comments down below who you think has gone above and beyond in working with, supporting, and advocating for DAML.

Rules as always are below.

  1. For the next 2-ish weeks (until December 28th) post your nominations in this thread below. Make sure to @ the users you’re nominating
  2. If someone already nominated your pick feel free to nominate them a second time, this will help us know who the top picks are
  3. The devrel team will deliberate internally and pick 1 or 2 winners.
  4. Rewards will be your own custom bobblehead (check out György’s and Bart’s), some DAML swag (t-shirt or hoodie) , and we’ll talk about how great our winners are (they are great after all) in our comms (DAML Driven, Twitter, and internal comms to all of DA’s employees)

I know a lot of you have made some great contributions to DAML these past 3 months so looking forward to seeing the new nominees :slight_smile:

I nominate @entzik and @kctam for their contributions of numerous articles, blogs and DAML discussions.

:white_check_mark: @entzik for a Doodle written in DAML and different article like this one.

:white_check_mark: @kctam with his multiple contributions with his articles on DAML and more.

Thank you for making our community so valuable!

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I nominate @Zoraiz_Mahmood for his superb series comparing CordApps to DAML apps.

I nominate @matt for including DAML in rejig.


Nominating @jamesljaworski85 because he’s really diving into and learning DAML on the forum :slight_smile:

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I would like to second @matt’s nomination. Not only for his work on rejig, but also for his contributions to the forum. As DAML matures, DA employees tend to be the ones who more often than not answer user questions. My hope (which I can imagine is shared by many of my colleagues) is that gradually the community can grow enough to have users help each other. Thanks for your contributions and my best wishes for your nomination!