Can't build create-daml-app in 1.7

Steps to reproduce:

-- Edit daml.yaml so sdk-version: 1.7.0
daml build
daml codegen js .daml/dist/my-app-0.1.0.dar -o ui/daml.js
daml deploy --host localhost --port 6865
daml json-api --ledger-host localhost --ledger-port 6865 --http-port 7575 --address --allow-insecure-tokens
cd ui/
export REACT_APP_LEDGER_ID=fabric-ledger
npm install
npm start

All building works up until npm start where I get the following error which I believe may be related to the recent api change in fetchByKey and similar functions:

TypeScript error in /Users/anthonylusardi/software/my-app/ui/src/components/LoginScreen.tsx(25,50):
Argument of type 'Template<User, string, "b5b1f86483ff42ebfdea3ef260a6407140906dcb8b3b7f4b0f8ca0b99c7ac5ce:User:User"> & { Archive: Choice<User, Archive, {}, string>; Follow: Choice<...>; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Template<object, string, string>'.
  Type 'Template<User, string, "b5b1f86483ff42ebfdea3ef260a6407140906dcb8b3b7f4b0f8ca0b99c7ac5ce:User:User"> & { Archive: Choice<User, Archive, {}, string>; Follow: Choice<...>; }' is missing the following properties from type 'Template<object, string, string>': sdkVersion, keyEncode, encode  TS2345

    23 |     try {
    24 |       const ledger = new Ledger({token: credentials.token, httpBaseUrl});
  > 25 |       let userContract = await ledger.fetchByKey(User.User,;
       |                                                  ^
    26 |       if (userContract === null) {
    27 |         const user = {username:, following: []};
    28 |         userContract = await ledger.create(User.User, user);

Answered my own question, this issue can be resolved by manually setting your DAML_SDK_VERSION prior to running daml create-daml-app my-app. So in my example I would do: DAML_SDK_VERSION=1.7.0 daml create-daml-app my-app

This post shows how to specify it: Using old SDK version

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You need to adjust both daml.yaml and package.json.

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