Upgrading from 0.13.34 to 1.7.0

Hey, DAML Community! It’s been a while… but I am back to working on our front end. Our goal is to be able to deploy to DABL for some testing/demo’ing.

Our current demo runs in Sandbox on SDK version 0.13.34. It is based on the old JavaScript repo called “daml-ui-template” (circa 12/2019, I couldn’t find it in current repos) which has since been replaced by a newer vision in Typescript. @georg and @bernhard helped answer a lot of questions that I had.

I am looking for some advice as to how best to approach upgrading.

So far, I have updated the JWT token, and have gotten the daml code to upload in a .dar using the updated sdk.

Next, I updated the LedgerContext.js file with updated url’s (both POST and GET), and then a command with the updated payload.

Here is a snippet from the LedgerContext.js files :

 export async function sendCommand(dispatch, token, party, commandType, command, setIsSending, setError) {

  if (!!token) {
    dispatch({ type: "COMMAND_SEND"});
    try {
      const headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer " + token };
      if (!!party) { headers["X-DA-Party"] = party; }

      const options = { method: "POST", headers, body: JSON.stringify(command) };
      const response = await fetch("/command/" + commandType, options);
      const res = await response.json();
      if (res.status !== 200) throw new Error(res.errors);
      dispatch({ type: "COMMAND_SENT" });
    catch (error) {
      dispatch({ type: "COMMAND_ERROR", error });
  } else {
    console.log("No token found")
    dispatch({ type: "COMMAND_ERROR", error: "No token found" });
export async function sendCommand(dispatch, token, party, commandType, command, setIsSending, setError) {
  if (!!token) {
    dispatch({ type: "COMMAND_SEND"});
    try {
      const headers = { "Content Type": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer " + token };
      if (!!party) { headers["X-DA-Party"] = party; }
      const options = { method: "POST", headers, body: JSON.stringify(command) };
      const response = await fetch("/command/" + commandType, options);
      const res = await response.json();
      if (res.status !== 200) throw new Error(res.errors);
      dispatch({ type: "COMMAND_SENT" });
    catch (error) {
      dispatch({ type: "COMMAND_ERROR", error });
  } else {
    console.log("No token found")
    dispatch({ type: "COMMAND_ERROR", error: "No token found" });
export async function fetchContracts(dispatch, token, setIsFetching, setError) {
  if (!!token) {
    dispatch({ type: "CONTRACT_REQUEST"});
    try {
      const options = { method: 'GET', headers: { "Authorization": "Bearer " + token } };
      const response = await fetch("/v1/query", options);
      const json = await response.json();
      if (json.status !== 200) throw new Error(json.errors);
      const contracts = [].concat.apply([], json.result);
      dispatch({ type: "CONTRACT_RESPONSE", contracts });
    catch (error) {
      dispatch({ type: "CONTRACT_ERROR", error });
  } else {
    console.log("No token found")
    dispatch({ type: "CONTRACT_ERROR", error: "No token found" });

and a market setup command:

const inviteMarketParticipants = async ( ) => {
      const command = {
        templateId: "DA.RefApps.Bond.Test.MarketSetup:MarketSetupSignatureCreator" ,
        payload: {
          operator : "Operator",
          regulator: "Regulator",
          auctionAgent: "AuctionAgent",
          bank1: "Bank1",
          bank2: "Bank2",
          bank3: "Bank3",
          csd: "CSD",
          issuer: "Issuer",
          centralBank: "CentralBank",
          signatories: [ "Operator" ],
          status: "Proposed"
        meta: { ledgerEffectiveTime: 0 }
      };await sendCommand(ledgerDispatch, user.token, user.party, "v1/create", command, () => {}, () => {});
      await fetchContracts(ledgerDispatch, user.token, () => {}, () => {});

After submitting this command, I get a response in the Sandbox (I never fixed the ‘/’ in the reference although I saw the thread on here about it).

C:\Users\James Jaworski\OneDrive\Optimis\DABL\Bloqbook-main>daml start --sandbox-option "--ledgerid=test" --sandbox-option "--address=localhost" --start-navigator "no" --json-api-option "--max-inbound-message-size=2000000000" --sandbox-option "--maxInboundMessageSize=2000000000"
Compiling test to a DAR.
Created .daml\dist\test-0.0.1.dar
Waiting for sandbox to start:
INFO: Slf4jLogger started
INFO: Listening on localhost:6865 over plain text.
   ____             ____
  / __/__ ____  ___/ / /  ___ __ __
 _\ \/ _ `/ _ \/ _  / _ \/ _ \\ \ /

INFO: Initialized sandbox version 1.7.0 with ledger-id = test, port = 6865, dar file = List(.daml\dist\test-0.0.1.dar), time mode = wall-clock time, ledger = in-memory, auth-service = AuthServiceWildcard$, contract ids seeding = strong
Waiting for JSON API to start:
21:23:06.097 [main] INFO  com.daml.http.Main$ - Config(ledgerHost=localhost, ledgerPort=6865, address=, httpPort=7575, portFile=None, packageReloadInterval=5 seconds, packageMaxInboundMessageSize=None, maxInboundMessageSize=2000000000, tlsConfig=TlsConfiguration(false,None,None,None,REQUIRE), jdbcConfig=None, staticContentConfig=None, allowNonHttps=true, accessTokenFile=None, wsConfig=None)
21:23:06.988 [http-json-ledger-api-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-6] INFO  akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger - Slf4jLogger started
21:23:11.081 [http-json-ledger-api-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-12] INFO  com.daml.http.HttpService$ - Connected to Ledger: test
21:23:11.083 [http-json-ledger-api-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-12] INFO  com.daml.http.HttpService$ - contractDao: None
21:23:13.282 [http-json-ledger-api-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-12] INFO  com.daml.http.PackageService - new package IDs loaded: c1f1f00558799eec139fb4f4c76f95fb52fa1837a5dd29600baa1c8ed1bdccfd, 733e38d36a2759688a4b2c4cec69d48e7b55ecc8dedc8067b815926c917a182a, bfcd37bd6b84768e86e432f5f6c33e25d9e7724a9d42e33875ff74f6348e733f, 518032f41fd0175461b35ae0c9691e08b4aea55e62915f8360af2cc7a1f2ba6c, cc348d369011362a5190fe96dd1f0dfbc697fdfd10e382b9e9666f0da05961b7, 6839a6d3d430c569b2425e9391717b44ca324b88ba621d597778811b2d05031d, 99a2705ed38c1c26cbb8fe7acf36bbf626668e167a33335de932599219e0a235, 76bf0fd12bd945762a01f8fc5bbcdfa4d0ff20f8762af490f8f41d6237c6524f, e22bce619ae24ca3b8e6519281cb5a33b64b3190cc763248b4c3f9ad5087a92c, d58cf9939847921b2aab78eaa7b427dc4c649d25e6bee3c749ace4c3f52f5c97, 6c2c0667393c5f92f1885163068cd31800d2264eb088eb6fc740e11241b2bf06, d14e08374fc7197d6a0de468c968ae8ba3aadbf9315476fd39071831f5923662, 057eed1fd48c238491b8ea06b9b5bf85a5d4c9275dd3f6183e0e6b01730cc2ba, e491352788e56ca4603acc411ffe1a49fefd76ed8b163af86cf5ee5f4c38645b, 40f452260bef3f29dede136108fc08a88d5a5250310281067087da6f0baddff7, 5894d748a7e97b8fd49ca4dab20543066ad2fcfb4435ae2062cbc335bbb69734, ac9677ef0dcbb2cac09a2f9c90aae9896f225a20a34bb1f9248ffb8c4bec7594, 6b6225f8dcc21acc170630698c97cce8fe47abc93daef3254945f5b6e7ecaa11, 8a7806365bbd98d88b4c13832ebfa305f6abaeaf32cfa2b7dd25c4fa489b79fb
21:23:14.506 [http-json-ledger-api-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-12] INFO  com.daml.http.Main$ - Started server: ServerBinding(/
Press 'r' + 'Enter' to re-build and upload the package to the sandbox.
Press 'Ctrl-C' to quit.
21:35:52.362 [http-json-ledger-api-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-11] WARN  akka.actor.ActorSystemImpl - Illegal header: Illegal 'origin' header: Illegal origin: Invalid input '/', expected DIGIT or 'EOI' (line 1, column 22): http://localhost:7575/
21:50:02.700 [http-json-ledger-api-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-11] WARN  akka.actor.ActorSystemImpl - Illegal header: Illegal 'origin' header: Illegal origin: Invalid input '/', expected DIGIT or 'EOI' (line 1, column 22): http://localhost:7575/

However, in my Sandbox.log file, the only output in the log is from when I started the ledger. So it looks to me like no command is ever received (there was no 200 | 400 | 404 | or ther response code).

21:22:49.016 [sandbox-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-5] INFO  akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger - Slf4jLogger started 
21:23:04.172 [pool-1-thread-2] INFO  c.d.p.apiserver.LedgerApiServer - Listening on localhost:6865 over plain text. 
21:23:04.205 [pool-1-thread-5] INFO  com.daml.platform.sandboxnext.Runner - Initialized sandbox version 1.7.0 with ledger-id = test, port = 6865, dar file = List(.daml\dist\test-0.0.1.dar), time mode = wall-clock time, ledger = in-memory, auth-service = AuthServiceWildcard$, contract ids seeding = strong 

This has me wondering a few things:

  1. Does this approach make sense?
  2. Is there another part of the code that I should be updating to make calls according to the new sdk?
  3. What other factors (for DABL’s sake) should I be considering when making this upgrade?


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It looks like at least one of the issues here are endpoint names. Since SDK 0.13.52 (the third endpoint got added later), the endpoint names for command submissions are the following:

  1. /v1/create
  2. /v1/exercise
  3. /v1/create-and-exercise

Your code appears to reference the old /command/… endpoints.

I would also strongly recommend that you switch over to daml codegen js and the @daml/types, @daml/ledger and @daml/react libraries. While our documentation uses those from typescript, they work perfectly fine from JavaScript and they make it much easier to get things right. If you haven’t used them before, the Getting Started Guide is a great place to start.


daml-ui-template is shared as example code here: GitHub - digital-asset/daml-ui-template. it uses the libraries @cocreature mentioned as well as the correct endpoints. It was last upgraded to SDK 1.5, but upgrading to 1.7 should only require changing the version string.

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Thanks, @bernhard and @cocreature. I am going to spend some time today checking each of these out to evaluate. There are definitely some new features that would be great to implement.