Using old SDK version

How do I use an old version of the DAML SDK? I’ve tried all the relevant options for daml install, for example

❯ daml install --install-assistant=yes 1.2.0
SDK version 1.2.0 is already installed.
Activating assistant version 1.2.0

That looks promising, but then daml version gives me

DAML SDK versions:
  1.3.0                                    (not installed)
  1.4.0-snapshot.20200715.4733.0.d6e58626  (default SDK version for new projects)

What I really want to do is run daml sandbox with version 1.2.0 but running this always uses the snapshot version above.

I don’t have a daml.yaml file in the directory I’m running this in.


You can set the DAML_SDK_VERSION environment variable, e.g., DAML_SDK_VERSION=1.2.0 daml sandbox will run version 1.2.0. By default, the newest installed SDK will be used outside of a project.


Ah thank you!

DAML_SDK_VERSION=1.2.0 daml sandbox

did the trick.


A post was split to a new topic: Why does --project-root not pick up the SDK version of the project?

Is this still the go-to way to use an earlier version? I noticed the --activate flag for the daml install command, but it says it’s deprecated and the --install-assistant=yes flag suggested in the deprecation notice doesn’t have the same effect.

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You shouldn’t need either of those. Setting DAML_SDK_VERSION should be all that’s needed.

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Ok. Once I created a project with DAML_SDK_VERSION=1.14.0 daml new create-daml-app --template create-daml-app (I have a 1.15.x snapshot version installed) is the DAML_SDK_VERSION variable needed to run the commands or will the daml assistant pick up the Daml version from the daml.yaml file?

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The assistant will pick it up from daml.yaml. You only need to set the env var if you’re working outside a project (like for daml new) or if you want to override the version set in daml.yaml.