SDK 1.5.0 RC out and Community Update

SDK 1.5.0 RC is out and so is the monthly community update!

Some highlights:

  • DAML Script is now fully integrated into the IDE and will supersede Scenarios.
  • Turn DAML expressions into JSON using the REPL (ex. :json [1, 2, 3] ) which is useful for talking to the JSON API.
  • DAML on SQL now has much richer logging which means error messages will be a lot more transparent, allowing you to see exactly what call data caused an error. We’re also adding support for structured logs via Logstash Logback Encoder.
  • foldl and foldr performance has improved by 4x! 4x faster folds IN. ANY. DIRECTION. YOU. WANT.
  • Application IDs now work in DAML Script, Triggers, and REPL. Useful if you’re working with ledgers with authentication.
  • The Trigger Service can now bind to addresses other than localhost.

Great highlights @anthony!

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Looking forward to bi-dimensional folding with foldd and foldu. :troll:


But can you fold along two dimensions at once?

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Compose. Compooose. Compooooooose!


. . .

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