I totally get that formatting is a personal taste in style, I created this for my own personal haskell and DAML projects based on my own preferences and works a fair bit differently to other formatting styles seen in the wild.
Thought it may be of interest to anyone using DAML if they’re shopping around for options
That’s amazing @matt! A first step towards a proper DAML auto-formatter, a much asked-for feature for the IDE. Did you write your own parser, or are you hooking into the DAML parser itself?
For my own use case to use within haskell and daml projects, I decided to write my own parser for fun and learning.
I hope it might provide some inspiration for any future work in this area and provides another option that would work alongside any other formatters that might get created.
@matt Would you be OK if we linked this on daml.com? I’m creating a page of “Samples”, which includes a section on add-on tooling and integration libraries.