Proxy Voting using DLT webinar with pictures and diagrams!

:video_camera: Hey DAMLers,
Here is the recording of our last webinar (yesterday) on “Proxy Voting using DLT”.

Quick intro of the webinar:

Every company requires shareholder involvement for certain corporate events such as board elections, bylaw amendments, mergers and acquisitions, investment strategy changes, etc. Shareholders can either vote in person or via a proxy that will cast a vote on their behalf based on their intentions.

Currently, #proxyvoting is a resource intensive and time-consuming process that involves many intermediaries. The inefficiencies and errors caused by the manual and paper-based processes within proxy voting create a need for greater granular transparency and for verified data and consent.

In this webinar, Digital Asset and IntellectEU will discuss how to address these challenges with a practical example using DAML SmartContracts and the Corda Distributed Ledger Technology platform.

The speakers:

  1. Thomas Bohner, VP, DLT Solutions, Intellect EU
  2. Luis Marado, Technical Lead, Intellect EU
  3. Tim Kemp, Head of Emerging Ledgers, Digital Asset

Some of the highlight of the presentation that I found interesting:

Why we should use smart contracts and @Tim is explaining the solution:

He is giving an overview of DAML and it enables the creation of mutualized business workflows while maintaining the privacy:

A great overview of DAML on Corda with the Enterprise ledger and the Open source ledger:

And then Thomas is explaining why DAML make sense in the proxy voting use case and the differences between centralized and decentralized:

and how is the technical overview:

And lastly Luis showing the tech live and explain how the contracts works:

@Luis_Marado is also writing a blog post on this and it will go out next week! Thanks also to @ManishGrover for helping to organize it!

:interrobang: Any questions for the Thomas Bohner, @Luis_Marado and @Tim :question: