In this part of my DAML Masterclass series, I explain in some detail 3 Big Ideas of the Finance Library, leaving further two ideas to the next part.
I started the series because I learnt a lot from reading and analyzing some advanced DAML reference applications, and hope that some of you might also benefit from my journey.
A really great summary and explanation of some of the concepts we’ve designed in the Finance Library. Thanks @gyorgybalazsi for taking the time to write this up!
I’m keen to understand if there were parts of the library that you found odd, difficult to understand, or if you have any suggestions on how to improve it.
One aspect, for example, which I’ve always struggled with a bit is the AssetSettlementRule. I think having to grant other parties the explicit right to credit my account is the right approach, but with the current implementation I basically grant the right to credit whatever asset in whatever quantity, so like a blanko permission to credit anything to my account. That feels somewhat too permissive. And the fact that all the controllers learn of each other undesirable, so we could think of ways to improve that. What’s your take on this aspect?
Yes, your concerns make sense. It depends on the use case. I didn’t have a project yet where these specific questions were raised, and when I will have such a project I will discuss these with the client.
In general, I treat these refapps as sources of inspiration, containing ideas which can be tailored to the specific context of the challenges I face.
I would like to pass on the realization to other learners of DAML that the platform can help to implement really complex interactions.