Summary Video of Live Smart Contract programing and Demo for Smart Contracts for Equipment Finance

Hi Daml-gang

Last week @ManishGrover and I participated at an event organized by We discussed daml and did live demo and coding of 4 smartcontracts for equipment finance.

A short summary video can be found here


This is exactly the kind of stuff I love to see. Not to be critical of the documentation but an end-to-end app with a live, line-by-line coding tutorial is the ultimate teacher I feel.

I’d love to see the full video(s) if you have it? I think, personally it would really help me as I’m stuck at a plateau with my own smart contract as I’m finding some of the concepts a little difficult to get my head around in practice.

Hopefully with a longer video from you guys, it might just do the trick in helping me get over the hill.

Fingers crossed.

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don’t know if you saw this, but it’s pretty detailed.
Plus, it’s a bike shop.
Confession. I was interested first to see how Andreas subtly wove the transactions around the bike shop model, but it worked for me (and I guess it worked for him too!)
Plus, it’s a bike shop.
Fix my bike: Use Daml to model a real life example | by KC Tam | Feb, 2021 | Medium.
Best, RPS

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Must’ve missed that. I usually catch most of K.C’s articles. Thanks for linking it. This is definitely a good place for me to start I think.

Here is the link to the full videos

  1. Introduction about the Event (TomorrowZone) and Introduction by @ManishGrover about Daml
    Part 1 SmartContracts 4 EF - YouTube</tit

  2. Use case overview and live daml coding
    Part 2 SmartContracts 4 EF - YouTube