Install Daml Connect: If you’re going to try Daml on your computer you’re going to need the toolkit.
An introduction to Daml: Ready to get to developing your own Daml applications? Start with the chapters in “An introduction to Daml” and also make sure to reference “Good design patterns” which helps clear up how to structure Daml applications and interactions between parties.
daml.com/certification: Get certified in Daml!
youtube.com/DamlDriven: Watch our developers code live, explain Daml concepts, and learn where Daml is currently used.
Daml Fundamentals Training & Certification: Learn the fundamentals of Daml with a three-part video-based curriculum and certification.
Daml Cheat Sheet: A quick reference to all the Daml basics.
hoogle.daml.com: Use it just like Haskell’s Hoogle to search for functions by their type definition.
Canton: Allow your Daml smart contracts to interoperate across nodes regardless of the platform they’re running on.
docs.daml.com: Find all the info, getting started guides, and in-depth docs on the daml language here but if you spend more than 5-10 minutes on it come back to the forum and ask.
discuss.daml.com: That’s this place, a growing and friendly community that is more than happy to help you in your journey with learning Daml. Check out Questions if you have technical questions.
digitalasset.com/services: If you’re interested in Daml from an Enterprise perspective or want to figure out if it’s right for your business then check out digitalasset.com/services and feel free to reach out on the contact form.