Daml Community Recognition Ceremony #4 Winners!

We’ve wrapped up our FIFTH community recognition rewards and our winner is @Frankie!

@Frankie has been a long time member of the community, is constantly diving into the nitty gritty of how Daml works, has asked lots of very interesting questions, and was the first member to adopt a capybara avatar (:capybara:). Most recently he helped us track down an important bug where PackageIDs were not consistent across platforms.

Here’s to you Frankie, you’re always a positive influence here and truly make this forum an enjoyable place.

As the winner @Frankie will receive:

  • Your own custom bobblehead (Search the forums if you want to see how they come out)
  • A limited edition Daml hoodie

@Frankie please send me a private message so we can coordinate shipping out your rewards.


Congrats @Frankie, well deserved!

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Congrats @Frankie ! Keep the questions flowing!

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Congratulations @Frankie well done :+1:t2:

Thank you so much guys. wow… It’s coming so sudden that I have not written my speech yet… kidding…

Really appreciate this. I hope our community continues to grow and Daml will support more ledgers/databases. I will keep sharing my experiences in using Daml, ledger API, postgre sql database ledger, canton etc… (and whatever other things you guys is going to come up with :slight_smile: )


Just make sure that if you do write a speech it’s written in Daml, so as the thanker, we can thank thee, Frankie, the thankee.

template ThanksProposal
    thankee: Party
    thanker: Party
    thanks: Thanks
    rewards: [Rewards]
    signatory thanker
    observer thankee
    controller thankee can Accept_Thanks: ContractId Thanks
        create thanks