I just want to ask on how to repurchase the exam certification I am interesting in certification but my first 2 attempts I get failed. Based on the FAQs you can repurchased the exam but I dont see any button for repurchase, I send message to instructor but didnt reply yet.
Let me know if there’s another way to repurchase. Thanks
Congratulations on taking the certifications and being honest
I would guess that the documentation writers did not consider this a likely event, and I mean no disrespect to you at all. I am yet to sit my certification exams, and had wondered the same point.
Good luck with your next efforts, if you would like to discuss study techniques or swap notes, please contact me via DM directly. I made a spreadsheet listing the intended topics of testing, then matched them (hopefully) to the relevant sections in the SDK.pdf
Hey I checked our platform using the email you have on the forum and reset the associate exam. This should allow you to retake the certification. Let me know if it works, thanks!
Hi Nemanja,
I want to purchase certification exam again. It is not showing any option to buy again.I am facing the same problem as discussed above. Can you please reset the Daml associate exam. Email- ishanjaiswal512@gmail.com