Unable to login at daml talentlms

Hey there ,
I created an account at daml talentlms and attended the free daml introduction course arround November 2021.
Today I was trying to login in the same website and it appeared an error mensage saying " Your account is inactive" . I tryied to create an account with the same email but obviously it is already taken.
I don’t know what else to do :slight_smile:

Hi @pedro.gomes :wave:

The account becomes automatically inactive after three months of inactivity. We’ve enabled it again (the one with your intelellectEU email address)

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Hi @nemanja

I’m having the same issue described here. I already have completed my Daml Associate Certification Exam and I’m planning to take another certifications in a near future. I haven’t login since last July/August. Could you enable it again ? The associated email is rui@genesis.studio.

Thank you.

Hi @rui.genesis :wave:

We’re reactivated your account.

Thank you

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Hi @nemanja , I am also having the same issue. Took the Associate Exam in November, and I’m planning on taking the Contract Developer Exam now. Could you also re-enable me? :slight_smile: \

Associated email is maxwprohorov@outlook.com.

Thanks in advance!

Done @mprohorov!

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Hey, I’m having a slightly different issue - my account activation link has expired, and I can’t figure out how to ask for another activation link. My associated email is suvedh@eleox.com.

Thank you.

Hi @suvedhs :wave:

We’ve reactivated your account. Have fun learning Daml!

Dear @nemanja !

I have the same issue with my account, can you reactivate for me either? My registered email is: Zsombor_Katona@epam.com. Thank you in advance.

@Zsombor_Katona your account has been reactivated. Enjoy learning Daml :slightly_smiling_face:

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I have the same issue. My email is hiquefriedrich@gmail.com

Thank you in advance.

@h_twist your account has been reactivated

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If you have trouble with your account DM me