Why to use DAML for any blockchain platform

I know daml provides privacy and its open source but the privacy, trust everything we can achieved by using blockchain platform like besu, corda then what is extra in DAML , why should I choose DAML to create one more layer in my application

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My personal take is that Daml gives organizations freedom of choosing the backend (be it a blockchain or a more traditional platform) while abstracting important privacy guarantees over those. Enabling individual organizations to make independent choices while still allowing them to have applications that can interact with each other while is a pretty powerful idea, I believe. There’s an in-depth document that will probably help you understand if Daml fits your needs, you can read it here. Have you read it already? If you have any feedback on that, I’d love to read it. :slight_smile:


Hi Monu,
I held a meetup a few weeks ago that specifically addresses that question. You can view the recording here as to why Daml, as opposed to other alternatives.

You can watch here, the video starts at where I do some comparisons with chaincode.

To reiterate on what Stefan mentioned.

  1. It gives organizations freedom to choose their backend. For example, you want to prototype on a centralized database first, then decide to move onto Hyperledger Fabric, then perhaps later you want to try on another blockchain infrastructure, you can only do this with Daml.
  2. Productivity. Writing smart contracts in Daml is very straightforward thanks to the abstractions. In Chaincode (using Javascript or Go) you’ll find that it will take 40+ lines to do what Daml can do in perhaps less than 10… give or take.

As it seems that daml is an abstraction that can run on any layer1 blockchain - where are the solana , cardano,polkadot implementations ?
These seem like the hot new layer1 blockchains - its surprising that I cant find anything in the conjunction between them…

Hi @liorkesos thanks for your question.
Daml is a smart contract language that can be deployed on permissioned chains, unlike the ones you listed above which are permissionless networks.

For example, if you wanted to code smart contracts on Hyperledger Fabric, you would use Chaincode. Once created these smart contracts are locked into the infrastructure you have chosen.

Daml allows you to write your smart contracts and deploy it on (permissioned) blockchain infrastructures of your choice. You can read more about it here

There’s nothing stopping Daml from running on permissionless chains. The focus has simply been on permissioned chains so far.

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