What are the default ports of the Daml Sandbox v2+

What are the default ports of the Daml Sandbox since the switchover to canton?

I am interested in connecting the Canton console to the sandbox to troubleshoot a problem. For that, I need the admin-API port.

After startup I can see that the ledger API of the participant is on port 6865, but the admin API port is not mentioned.

Looking at this thread is it right to assume that the default ports are

Participant Ledger API: 6865
Participant Admin API: 6866
Domain Public Port: 6867
Domain Admin Port: 6868

Right now, when started through the Daml assistant, those are indeed the default values, as you can see here in the code. However, I’m not sure whether that’s just a happy accident or something you can rely on in the future; as far as I’m aware this is not explicitly documented.

Daml Assistant is, I believe, under the purview of the Ledger Clients team, so maybe @Raymond_Roestenburg will be able to say more (though he’s off this week).

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@kctam also let me know that you can run daml canton-console on the same machine as the sandbox is running and the Canton Console will be connected to the participant (“sandbox”) and domain (“local”).
Thanks, @kctam.

With that, I don’t actually need the ports - it would be still good however if they were documented.