Connecting to Participant node on Canton

Hi I created the local Canton participants however I am not able to connect to the ledger API port using DAML navigator. Is there something I missed?

The error I got on navigator

dlt@dlt-1:~/development/sample$ daml navigator console localhost:5011
Version 1.5.0
Welcome to the console. Type 'help' to see a list of commands.
Failed to get info Details:
akka.pattern.AskTimeoutException: Recipient [Actor[akka://da-ui-backend/user/$a#526034985]] had         already been terminated. Message of type [$GetApplicationStateInfo$].

The canton setup is

@ health.status 
res4: CantonStatus = Status for Domain 'mydomain':
Domain id: mydomain::01f525b54c92c410ea021be1c657169ade6e34dcfa44ef8757d8645fc2163bafd1
Uptime: 14.19352s
    public: 5018
admin: 5019
Connected Participants: None

Status for Participant 'participant1':
Participant id: PAR::participant1::012a89a88a4dedca2fde4251c2f2548f18c5edfd7e4ff620ee674cd858b69049ec
Uptime: 6.30929s
ledger: 5011
admin: 5012
Connected Domains: None

Status for Participant 'participant2':
Participant id: PAR::participant2::0145ee59c874e7f845a48ac1d9c8d026eb470b23814596c71e3fc69ae74494cebb
Uptime: 2.54602s
ledger: 5021
admin: 5022
Connected Domains: None



The daml assistant expects the host and port as two separate arguments, so the call is daml navigator console localhost 5011.

Furthermore, please make sure the participant is connected to the domain before trying to interact with the ledger API. Without a connected domain the ledger API of the participant is not fully functional.

Finally, you need to configure the parties that are used by navigator to match the parties in Canton. You may use the utils.generate_navigator_conf command (refer to the docs) in Canton to generate a navigator configuration.