I’m running a canton domain and trying to upgrade it to 2.6. Here is the steps I’m going through.
- Download 2.6 binary
- Shut down the 2.5.2 sequencer, mediator and manager.
- Start the sequencer with 2.6 binary in manual mode
java -jar ~/development/cantonEE/sdk-2.6.0/canton/canton.jar daemon -c share-db.conf,domain-seq.conf --manual-start
I got the following error and cannot proceed.
2023-03-30 14:31:45,815 [main] ERROR c.digitalasset.canton.ServerRunner - Canton startup encountered problems:
2023-03-30 14:31:45,816 [main] ERROR c.digitalasset.canton.ServerRunner - - failed to initialize sequencer1: There are 1 pending migrations to get to database schema version 5. Currently on version 4.
Anyone know what is missing there? Thanks.