Hey DAMLer’s!
After exploring ex-bond-issuance
repo and after talking to @Richard_Kapolnai, I do want to try and incorporate the triggers in the repo. I was previously going to try and incorporate without the automation but the triggers seem pretty slick and I want to give them a shot.
Earlier, I got things up and running in Standalone from the windows command line with the help of @Gary_Verhaegen and @cocreature. These were the steps we cam up with:
python scripts/getfinlib.py 1.7.0
daml build -o target/bond-issuance.dar
daml start --sandbox-option --address=localhost --sandbox-option -w --open-browser no
## insert manual 'make automation' steps here
daml codegen js target/bond-issuance.dar -o daml.js
daml codegen js target/finlib-1.7.0.dar -o daml.js
cd ui-js
yarn install
set NODE_ENV=development
yarn start
I’d like to now add the make automation
steps to the sequence. From the Makefile
, the steps are:
.PHONY: automation
scripts/waitForSandbox.sh localhost 6865 && \
scripts/startTriggers.sh localhost 6865 target/bond-issuance.dar
My guess is that they would look something like this:
set JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=-Xmx128m java scripts/waitForSandbox.sh localhost 6865 java scripts/startTriggers.sh localhost 6865 target/bond-issuance.dar
When I do this, this is the result:
C:\Users\James Jaworski\OneDrive\Optimis\bloqbook-v2\ex-bond-issuance-master>set JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=-Xmx128m C:\Users\James Jaworski\OneDrive\Optimis\bloqbook-v2\ex-bond-issuance-master>java scripts/waitForSandbox.sh localhost 6865 Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx128m Error: Could not find or load main class scripts.waitForSandbox.sh
It looks like the environment variable is being set, but the rest is not running. Is anyone familiar with running this type of command on a Windows machine? My version of java is:
C:\Users\James Jaworski\OneDrive\Optimis\bloqbook-v2\ex-bond-issuance-master>java -version Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx128m java version "1.8.0_231" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_231-b11) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.231-b11, mixed mode)