reapplyLocks Import Problem

Hi everyone!

I’m working with Daml Finance library. I implement my own Holding:

instance Fungible.HasImplementation Holding

and when I do

interface instance Transferable.I for ...

I need to use a function reapplyLocks. I tried to import it from import Daml.Finance.Holding.Util (reapplyLocks). But not succeeded. With an error:

  Could not find module ‘Daml.Finance.Holding.Util’
  It is not a module in the current program, or in any known package.

I had this problem a month ago, and if I remember it correctly I just found this function in the source code and redefined it locally:

-- | Utility function to reapply holding locks
reapplyLocks : Lockable.Lock -> ContractId Lockable.I -> Update (ContractId Lockable.I)
reapplyLocks lock cid =
  let apply accM context = do
        cid <- accM
        exercise cid Lockable.Acquire with newLocker =; context; lockType = lock.lockType
  in foldl apply (pure cid) (S.toList lock.context)

But maybe you know what can be the cause of the import problem?
I have small example project with this case. Here is the file with the import problem. Lines 23-36

Hi @VictorShneer,

In order to be able to import the Daml.Finance.Holding.Util module, you need to include the Daml.Finance.Holding package in your daml.yaml file.

  - .lib/daml-finance-holding-0.1.3.dar
  - .lib/daml-finance-interface-holding-0.1.3.dar
  - .lib/daml-finance-interface-instrument-base-0.1.3.dar
  - .lib/daml-finance-interface-settlement-0.1.3.dar
  - .lib/daml-finance-interface-types-0.1.3.dar


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