Programatically register Participant to a domain

I am running a multi-domain setup and I am trying to register a participant node to domain programatically using the Canton Admin API. Are there any examples or java bindings to connect to the Domain’s Admin API?

Are the Protos for Domain Connectivity Service packaged as part of the release?

The Java bindings are built around the Ledger API. All Canton-specific APIs (including the Domain Admin API) are not covered by it.

Hi @krishnan.narayanan , you can download the service protos here. As @stefanobaghino-da said, they are not yet integrated in the Java bindings, but you can use the standard protobuf tooling to compile Java service clients for the Admin services and then access the domain connectivity service programmatically.

Thanks @bernhard and @stefanobaghino-da . I managed to collect all the protos. The service protos have dependencies via imports from other locations e.g.

import “com/digitalasset/canton/time/admin/v0/time_tracker_config.proto”;
import “com/digitalasset/canton/protocol/v0/sequencing.proto”;

It would be good to have it all shipped as part of release artefacts.

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Yes, for sure, I already raised a ticket to include the protos in the releases in the future.