Looking for job/internship opportunity in web3

My name is achille i’ve three(03) years experience as fullstack web developer. During my master degree i’ve worked on supplychain management (GitHub - achillegley/daml_supplychain_pine_apple: configurable supplychain project build with daml.) and blockchain scientists articles . I’ve worked on a decentralized marketplace called Chainlist( GitHub - achillegley/chainlist-truffle5: this is my final project build from alchemy learning " getting started with web 3 course". This project is a decentrilized application that help you buy and sell article) available at deployed on the goerli testnet (ChainList from ChainSkills). Hope will i get opportunity to work on real world web3 application using daml.

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Hi @Achille_GLEY , welcome to the Daml community!
I haven’t had a chance to look at your code in detail yet, but congrats on your masters degree and I’ll definitely go more in depth at some point.
In the meantime, have a look at the jobs section.