I have an access token with payload
"sub": "alice",
"aud": "https://daml.app.template.example.com",
"exp": 1707556819
When I send a POST request to /v1/create
with the access token, JSON api returns
{"errors":["ledgerId missing in access token"],"status":401}
I find that confusing because user tokens aren’t required to have ledgerId
. What do I misunderstand here?
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Just a guess, but since you didn’t specify a “scope”, you are using an audience based token. But your “aud” field looks like it has an invalid format. Likely the someParticipantId
is parsed to ledgerId
somewhere and causing the misleading error message.
Could be. For the record, I added all fields that json api reported missing, and removed all fields that I could without json api complaining (so the smallest set of fields that json api happily accepted), and here is what I got:
"sub": "alice",
"aud": "https://daml.app.template.example.com",
"ledgerId": "userParticipant",
"applicationId": "alice",
"actAs": ["alice::1220ea091546054ae5bf4b927d1a67fddf86592ad71e323fdd6ee1c5b96295582b91"]
This doesn’t conform to any of the token formats (scope-based, audience-based or custom) in the documentation, which is odd.
This payload is also valid according to json api:
"scope": "daml_ledger_api",
"iat": 1711104773,
"aud": "https://daml.app.template.example.com",
"sub": "alice"