Ledger API with Auth0 JWKS gives Authorization error


I’m running sandbox locally with --auth-jwt-rs256-jwks pointed to a valid Auth0 JWKS. When the client tries to connect using a valid token from Auth0, I see an error saying
c.d.ledger.api.auth.AuthServiceJWT$ - Authorization error: Could not verify JWT token: The Token’s Signature resulted invalid when verified using the Algorithm: SHA256withRSA

I verified the token on jwt.io and the signature is valid. Also used Auth0 JWT lib to validate the token and it seems fine. I believe the same lib (GitHub - auth0/java-jwt: Java implementation of JSON Web Token (JWT)) is used in Ledger API implementation.

What could be the possible reason for Ledger API to reject this connection. Am I missing something?

Your help is much appreciated. Thanks!

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Hi @Theja, Could you double check that the algorithm matches? Ie when you verified your token on jwt.io, did you select rs256 rather than the default hs256 algorithm? Auth0 supports both, but Sandbox only supports rs256, not hs256, I believe.

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Thanks for the response @bernhard. Yes, I double checked it’s RS256 and the algorithm matches. Please let me know if you need further details.

Hi @Theja,

Normally there would be security issues with sharing the token, but I think in this case it should be fine as the token is only valid for a temporary, local sandbox.

Would you mind sharing both the token you’re using and the JWKS URL of your Auth0 tenant? Once we’re done debugging, you can delete that tenant and create a new one with a working configuration, which should address any security concern.

Alternatively, if this tenant is not one you can destroy (say, it’s already used for something else), would you mind creating a new, temporary tenant on which you can reproduce the issue and sharing that one? From the Auth0 console, you can create a new tenant from the dropdown in the top left.

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Thanks @Gary_Verhaegen for the response. I’m closing this issue here as it is related to the client side configuration of the access token. Apologies.

It is working as expected :slight_smile: