Issue with 'Setting Up Auth0'

Hi again,
I’m still trying to understand an implement authorizations.
This time I tried to follow this : Setting Up Auth0 — Daml SDK 2.2.0 documentation

But when I try to launch the sandbox I got an error, it seems like we can’t put any flags after daml sandbox:

% daml sandbox --ledgerid sandbox \      
             --auth-jwt-rs256-jwks \
             --implicit-party-allocation false \
             --dar .daml/dist/my-project-0.1.0.dar

I got this error:

Starting Canton sandbox.
Error: Unknown option --ledgerid
Error: Unknown argument 'sandbox'
Error: Unknown option --auth-jwt-rs256-jwks
Error: Unknown argument ''
Error: Unknown option --implicit-party-allocation
Error: Unknown argument 'false'

Please note the note at the beginning of the article you linked:

This is an Early Access feature. Note that this feature does not currently work with Daml 2.0. These docs refer to and use Daml 1.18. The feature is under active development and it will soon be available for the 2.x major release series.

Oh yes I’m really sorry.
Do you know when will I be available for the 2.x release ?

We’re in the process of performing a serious re-evaluation of our documentation to come up with a better structure and more informative and relevant documentation pages. You can expect this document to be heavily re-worked but unfortunately I don’t have a reliable ETA.