Unknown option --ledgerid

Hi everyone,
When I try to override the ledger Id with the flag ‘–leddgerid’ I always got an error.

daml sandbox --wall-clock-time --ledgerid MyLedger --dar ./.daml/dist/quickstart-0.0.1.dar

Starting Canton sandbox.

Error: Unknown option --ledgerid

Error: Unknown argument 'MyLedger'

I am using Daml v2.1.1

if anyone know what can cause this.

Hey @TanguyLauc, the Sandbox in SDK 2.x is based on Canton which sets the ledger id to the participant id rather than letting you configure it separately, see Canton: how to set participant's ledger id - #3 by Ratko_Veprek.

As described in Daml Sandbox — Daml SDK 2.1.1 documentation the participant used when you spawn daml sandbox is called sandbox so that will also be your ledger id.

Do you have a specific reason why you’re trying to change the ledger id?

Hi thanks for your answer. I have no specific reason for changing the ledger id. I was just following the documentation on ‘HTTP JSON API’ (HTTP JSON API Service — Daml SDK 2.1.1 documentation) where they still use the ‘–ledgerid’ flag.