Issue with Auth0 Example Configuration

I tried to follow this tutorial : Auth0 Example Configuration — Daml SDK 2.1.1 documentation

But I get an error when I start the sandbox :

 % daml sandbox \
  --address localhost \
  --port 6865 \
  --ledgerid daml-auth0-example-ledger \
  --wall-clock-time \
  --auth-jwt-rs256-jwks "https://my_json_web_key_set/.well-known/jwks.json"
Starting Canton sandbox.
Error: Unknown option --address
Error: Unknown argument 'localhost'
Error: Unknown option --ledgerid
Error: Unknown argument 'daml-auth0-example-ledger'
Error: Unknown option --auth-jwt-rs256-jwks
Error: Unknown argument 'https://my_json_web_key_set/.well-known/jwks.json'
Canton v2.1.1
Usage: canton [daemon|run|generate] [options] <args>...

Does it works differently now, or did I do something wrong ?

Hi @TanguyLauc :wave:

It might be that the example is outdated and that it will likely be removed from the docs :cry: