Issue with the deployment_guide of daml-on-fabric


I’m trying to run Daml-on-fabric with the instructions in the GitHub repo:

But I got an issue about LF version when I try to deploy the app:
upload-dar did not succeed: "\"Invalid argument: LF V1.14 unsupported. Supported LF versions are V1.6,V1.7,V1.8,V1.11,V1.12,\""

I saw that I could correct this by adding:

  - --target=1.6

in daml.yaml file. But with this I got this error:
option --target: Unknown Daml-LF version: 1.14 (default),

So the only one that I can use seems to be
The ‘daml build’ command works well but when I try to deploy the app I have this error :
upload-dar did not succeed: "\"Invalid argument: BuiltinFunction.UNRECOGNIZED\""

Hi @TanguyLauc,

This example is deprecated as starting from Daml 2.0 you can use Canton as the default deployment platform. Please take a look into Canton and how to use it. Open source edition comes with the PostgresSQL driverC.