@cocreature I’m thinking of using this image as a base image and just creating a new image since I want some other binaries running in the container too. (I’ve actual already build a inhouse DAML container, but I’m considering using yours depending on which one offers persistence the best.)
If I were to wrap this in a K8s deployment, do you have any idea how I could persist the data of the Sandbox with Postgres? I’ve tried this What's the difference between Daml Driver for Postgres and Daml Sandbox w/ Postgres? - #8 by perbergman, but no luck.
2021-04-15 08:26:04.986 UTC [85] FATAL: password authentication failed for user "sanbox-participant"
2021-04-15 08:26:04.986 UTC [85] DETAIL: Role "sanbox-participant" does not exist.
Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 99: "host all all all md5"
I suppose I’d have to configure the container? Not sure. However, I get the deprecated method working, but when I restart the runtime the ledgerId changes and then can’t access the Postgres container I’ve got going.
I’m basically just looking for a development environment to run the DAML contact, use the JSON HTTP API, and to persist the data, so that on a restart it restores its state. of the Sandbox. Any advice?
Kind regards,