I wish to add a java tag to a question. How do I create a new tag?
You can create your own tags once you reach user level 2 (awarded automatically based on reading the forum and participating). In the meantime I’ve added a java tag.
Once you reach that user level you’ll see this option when you enter a new tag.
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Hi @anthony A follow up to the OP query re tags. Your reply about being able to create new tags on achieving Level 2 is noted, however I have 2 questions:
- Is there a list of all the current tags?
- If there is a tag or 2 missing, can we suggest them?
Regards, QA.
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Yup, all tags are here: https://discuss.daml.com/tags
If there’s a tag you need before level 2 let me know and I’ll be happy to add it.
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