How can I expose the hidden `daml-ctl` package of `contingent-claims` when using the precompiled dar?

I want to use the precompiled dar of the contingent-claims (CC) library, downloaded from here: Releases · digital-asset/contingent-claims · GitHub

The CC library uses as dependency the daml-ctl library, but I guess it’s already packaged in the CC dar. Is that right?

When I try to use a module from the daml-ctl library, I get this message:


How can run :set package daml-ctl ?

This seems to be a GHCI command.

Not entirely sure on this one, but saw another thread here where perhaps you can manually expose the dep you need.

Thanks, tried and doesn’t seem to work. I think I’m doing something wrong.

Again: I only have the contingent-claims dar in my lib folder (more precisely, this time, unlike in the original question, contingent-claims-test, which contains the modules of the original contingent-claims library and also examples).

With this in the daml.yaml

sdk-version: 2.1.0
name: sandbox
source: daml
init-script: Main:setup
version: 0.0.1
  - daml-prim
  - daml-stdlib
  - daml-script
  - ../lib/contingent-claims-test-2.0.0.dar
  - --package=daml-ctl-2.0.0

the daml build succeeds, but I get the following error:


Maybe @cocreature can help, based on his answer in the thread Problem with transitive dependencies - #2 by akrmn

You need to restart the language server after changes to dependencies. Ctrl/Cmd-Shift-P → reload window is what I usually use for that.

