Daml build fail: Transitive dependencies with same unit id but conflicting package ids

I want to depend on both dars at the same time, but I got this kind of error,
Transitive dependencies with same unit id but conflicting package ids: hkjc-daml-bet-0.1.0 [c1af3d3e880d1147663339fb75d341263fe783315d7680f6eb531b11d27b71e5,cfe6a2c4a922 89e0f1cd23c8a7878c3aff4d06c43350cbaae02ffc9647c9072d], product-engine-validation-2.1.2 [26648e5442c58665045f7ff78d07183673781c76730161dfa432d679f 78d706d,388fcd1683695705debaa080ec0263296f65b18f8fd8a3a48d96f0e2c1243b74]
The following is the content of my yaml file, how should I avoid this error

sdk-version: 2.5.0

name: intro6

source: daml

version: 1.0.0


- daml-prim

- daml-stdlib

- daml-script

- daml-trigger


- ./dar/hkjc-daml-payout1.dar

- ./dar/hkjc-daml-payout2.dar


- '--package'

- 'hkjc-daml-payout1 with (PayoutSummary as PayoutSummary1)'

- '--package'

- 'hkjc-daml-payout2 with (PayoutSummary as PayoutSummary2)'


- --wall-clock-time

Hi @skylorna , have a look at this docs section: Reference: Daml Packages — Daml SDK 2.6.3 documentation. You need to configure “Module Prefixes” in your daml.yaml.

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thank you very much

I changed it to this and still get the same error

sdk-version: 2.5.0

name: intro6

source: daml

version: 1.0.0


- daml-prim

- daml-stdlib

- daml-script

- daml-trigger


- ./dar/hkjc-daml-payout1.dar

- ./dar/hkjc-daml-payout2.dar

# build-options:

# - '--package'

# - 'hkjc-daml-payout1 with (PayoutSummary as PayoutSummary1)'

# - '--package'

# - 'hkjc-daml-payout2 with (PayoutSummary as PayoutSummary2)'


hkjc-daml-payout1: payout1

hkjc-daml-payout2: payout2


- --wall-clock-time

Transitive dependencies with same unit id but conflicting package ids: hkjc-daml-bet-0.1.0 [c1af3d3e880d1147663339fb75d341263fe783315d7680f6eb531b11d27b71e5,cfe6a2c4a92289e0f1cd23c8a7878c3aff4d06c43350cbaae02ffc9647c9072d], product-engine-validation-2.1.2 [26648e5442c58665045f7ff78d07183673781c76730161dfa432d679f78d706d,388fcd1683695705debaa080ec0263296f65b18f8fd8a3a48d96f0e2c1243b74]

hi @skylorna,

the error mentions hkjc-daml-bet-0.1.0 and product-engine-validation-2.1.2, which are not named directly in the daml.yaml file you shared, so I assume they are included transitively through the hkjc-daml-payout{1,2}.dar files.

It’s hard to tell without access to the daml.yaml files for hkjc-daml-payout{1,2}, but it looks like the 1 and 2 versions were built with different .dars for hkjc-daml-bet-0.1.0 and product-engine-validation-2.1.2 which however shared the same version string. Do you have access to the dam.yaml files for hkjc-daml-payout{1,2} and/or the .dar files for hkjc-daml-bet-0.1.0 and product-engine-validation-2.1.2?

Hi @akrmn ,
this is the daml.yaml for hkjc-daml-payout{1,2}

sdk-version: 2.5.0
name: hkjc-daml-bet
version: 0.1.0
source: daml
- daml-prim
- daml-stdlib
- daml-script
  - ../../../../txn-ledger/bet-daml/.daml/dist/txn-3.1.7.dar
  - ../../../../txn-ledger/itrls-cpc/commingle/cpc-daml/dar/wagering-event-product-management.dar
  - ../../../../txn-ledger/bet-daml/dar/product-engine-validation.dar
  - ../../../../txn-ledger/bet-daml/dar/cpc-partner-management.dar
start-navigator: true
    output-directory: ui/daml.js
    npm-scope: daml.js
# Remove this line when running against a ledger without user management.
init-script: Setup:setup

hkjc-daml-payout depends on many other dar files, and these dependent dar files themselves also depend on other dar files.

hkjc-daml-payout1.dar decompression is hkjc-daml-bet-0.1.0

When the PKIDs of two dar files are inconsistent, the name and version in daml.yaml must not be the same, or this problem will occur if the two dar files are dependenced at the same time.