My daml project wants to depend on a dar4 package. This dar4 package itself also depends on three other dar packages, dar1, dar2, and dar3. When I add them all to the dependencies, the project can be built successfully, but I think them repeated dependencies, I want to depend on only one dar4 should contain all dar, but there will be an error
" It is a member of the hidden package"
this can build success but have some warning
sdk-version: 2.6.3
name: hkjc-daml-bet
version: 0.1.0
source: daml
- daml-prim
- daml-stdlib
- daml-script
- ../../../../txn-ledger/bet-daml/.daml/dist/txn-3.1.7.dar
- ../../../../txn-ledger/itrls-cpc/commingle/cpc-daml/dar/wagering-event-product-management.dar
- ../../../../txn-ledger/bet-daml/dar/product-engine-validation.dar
- ../../../../txn-ledger/bet-daml/dar/cpc-partner-management.dar
start-navigator: true
output-directory: ui/daml.js
npm-scope: daml.js
# Remove this line when running against a ledger without user management.
init-script: Setup:setup
File: daml/Setup.daml
Hidden: no
Range: 16:1-16:30
Source: typecheck
Severity: DsWarning
daml/Setup.daml:16:1: warning:
The import of ?î„ageringEvent.Dividend??is redundant
except perhaps to import instances from ?î„ageringEvent.Dividend?? To import instances alone, use: import WageringEvent.Dividend()
File: daml/Setup.daml
Hidden: no
Range: 17:1-17:26
Source: typecheck
Severity: DsWarning
daml/Setup.daml:17:1: warning:
The import of ?î„ageringEvent.Race??is redundant
except perhaps to import instances from ?î„ageringEvent.Race?? To import instances alone, use: import WageringEvent.Race()
File: daml/Setup.daml
Hidden: no
Range: 18:1-18:28
Source: typecheck
Severity: DsWarning
daml/Setup.daml:18:1: warning:
The import of ?î„ageringEvent.Status??is redundant
except perhaps to import instances from ?î„ageringEvent.Status?? To import instances alone, use: import WageringEvent.Status()
2023-06-02 09:26:33.10 [INFO] [build]
Created .daml\dist\hkjc-daml-bet-0.1.0.dar
PS D:\itrls-lp-unbackS33\hkjc-wpp-lpm\prize-fulfillment\daml\payout-template>
I change daml.yml to this will build fail
sdk-version: 2.6.3
name: hkjc-daml-bet
version: 0.1.0
source: daml
- daml-prim
- daml-stdlib
- daml-script
- ../../../../txn-ledger/bet-daml/.daml/dist/txn-3.1.7.dar
# - ../../../../txn-ledger/itrls-cpc/commingle/cpc-daml/dar/wagering-event-product-management.dar
# - ../../../../txn-ledger/bet-daml/dar/product-engine-validation.dar
# - ../../../../txn-ledger/bet-daml/dar/cpc-partner-management.dar
start-navigator: true
output-directory: ui/daml.js
npm-scope: daml.js
# Remove this line when running against a ledger without user management.
init-script: Setup:setup
2023-06-02 09:29:21.20 [INFO] [build]
Compiling hkjc-daml-bet to a DAR.
File: daml/Setup.daml
Hidden: no
Range: 8:8-8:19
Source: not found
Severity: DsError
Could not load module ?î„ain.Racing?? It is a member of the hidden package ?î„Łroduct-engine-validation-2.1.2??
You can run ??set -package product-engine-validation??to expose it.
(Note: this unloads all the modules in the current scope.)
File: daml/Setup.daml
Hidden: no
Range: 9:8-9:36
Source: not found
Severity: DsError
Could not load module ?î„ain.ProductEngineValidation?? It is a member of the hidden package ?î„Łroduct-engine-validation-2.1.2??
You can run ??set -package product-engine-validation??to expose it.
(Note: this unloads all the modules in the current scope.)
File: daml/Setup.daml
Hidden: no
Range: 10:8-10:25
Source: not found
Severity: DsError
Could not load module ?î„artnerManagement?? It is a member of the hidden package ?î„pc-daml-0.1.6??
You can run ??set -package cpc-daml??to expose it.
(Note: this unloads all the modules in the current scope.)
File: daml/Setup.daml
Hidden: no
Range: 11:8-11:38
Source: not found
Severity: DsError
Could not load module ?î„roductManagement.ProductModel?? It is a member of the hidden package ?î„Șagering-event-product-management-
You can run ??set -package wagering-event-product-management??to expose it.
(Note: this unloads all the modules in the current scope.)
File: daml/Setup.daml
Hidden: no
Range: 12:8-12:29
Source: not found
Severity: DsError
Could not load module ?î„ageringEvent.Meeting?? It is a member of the hidden package ?î„Șagering-event-product-management-
You can run ??set -package wagering-event-product-management??to expose it.
(Note: this unloads all the modules in the current scope.)
File: daml/Setup.daml
Hidden: no
Range: 13:8-13:28
Source: not found
Severity: DsError
Could not load module ?î„ageringEvent.Runner?? It is a member of the hidden package ?î„Șagering-event-product-management-
You can run ??set -package wagering-event-product-management??to expose it.
(Note: this unloads all the modules in the current scope.)
File: daml/Setup.daml
Hidden: no
Range: 14:8-14:26
Source: not found
Severity: DsError
Could not load module ?î„ageringEvent.Pool?? It is a member of the hidden package ?î„Șagering-event-product-management-
You can run ??set -package wagering-event-product-management??to expose it.
(Note: this unloads all the modules in the current scope.)
File: daml/Setup.daml
Hidden: no
Range: 15:8-15:33
Source: not found
Severity: DsError
Could not load module ?î„ageringEvent.Combination?? It is a member of the hidden package ?î„Șagering-event-product-management-
You can run ??set -package wagering-event-product-management??to expose it.
(Note: this unloads all the modules in the current scope.)
File: daml/Setup.daml
Hidden: no
Range: 16:8-16:30
Source: not found
Severity: DsError
Could not load module ?î„ageringEvent.Dividend?? It is a member of the hidden package ?î„Șagering-event-product-management-
You can run ??set -package wagering-event-product-management??to expose it.
(Note: this unloads all the modules in the current scope.)
File: daml/Setup.daml
Hidden: no
Range: 17:8-17:26
Source: not found
Severity: DsError
Could not load module ?î„ageringEvent.Race?? It is a member of the hidden package ?î„Șagering-event-product-management-
You can run ??set -package wagering-event-product-management??to expose it.
(Note: this unloads all the modules in the current scope.)
File: daml/Setup.daml
Hidden: no
Range: 18:8-18:28
Source: not found
Severity: DsError
Could not load module ?î„ageringEvent.Status?? It is a member of the hidden package ?î„Șagering-event-product-management-
You can run ??set -package wagering-event-product-management??to expose it.
(Note: this unloads all the modules in the current scope.)
ERROR: Creation of DAR file failed.
what should i do betterïŒ