Error: Ledger: httpBaseUrl must end with '/'

Hi, has anyone encountered an error like this? Any feedback is appreciated. Thank you.

Error: Ledger: httpBaseUrl must end with '/'. (
    at new t (index.ts:907:13)
    at createLedgerContext.ts:149:13
    at Object.useMemo (react-dom.production.min.js:172:115)
    at e.useMemo (react.production.min.js:23:113)
    at Object.DamlLedger (createLedgerContext.ts:148:20)
    at e.DamlLedger (defaultLedgerContext.ts:27:24)
    at sa (react-dom.production.min.js:157:137)
    at Gs (react-dom.production.min.js:267:460)
    at Cl (react-dom.production.min.js:250:347)
    at Al (react-dom.production.min.js:250:278)```

Have you tried adding a / at the end of your httpBaseUrl variable? I.e. setting it to instead?

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yes that solved it. Thank you.