The request is fine, but it throws error in front end.
I have uploaded my project here, in the folder of Problem2.
I deleted the package-lock.json and node_modules, and run daml build, daml codegen js, npm i to install the dependencies again.I tried twice, however, it still didn’t work.
The request in front end locates Problem2\UI\src\components\IssuerView.tsx:32.
Steps:Types “Bank” and login as issuer, then types a number and click “Issue”.
What’s more. The ownerId has typescript error at line 35 and I don’t know how to fix it in the same file .
Hi @Xuyx, the issue is that your SDK version is 1.7.0 while the version of the @daml/ledger, @daml/types and @daml/react specified in your package.json is still 1.6.0. The two always need to be kept in sync. The following steps worked for me to fix the issue in your project:
Update the version numbers in UI/package.json for all 3 libraries to 1.7.0.
Delete UI/daml.js, UI/node_modules and UI/package-lock.json.
Rerun daml start which will generate the JS code before starting the ledger.