Are there any scenario which DAML is currently working on and still not implemented?
Hi @monu , of course there are many topics that are still in the works. I doubt Daml will ever be “finished”. There’s always room for improvement. There is currently no public roadmap, but many topics on this forum hint at topics that are in the works, and of course looking at GitHub you can see what’s actively being worked on. We also tend to share an outlook as part of our release notes – See “What’s Next” at the bottom.
Are there any particular topics you are interested in?
I am actually learning DAML to understand usecases where we can implement DAML and where we cannot implement DAML. If you can answer then it would be great…
If I may attempt to rephrase your question, “What can I use Daml for?” is a pretty broad one. Have you had a look at the examples page? That should give you lots of ideas.
No, I would like to get the answer in which areas DAML implementation is failed? What are the disadvantages of using Daml, any feature which is still impediment in DAML?
Have a look at this thread.