Connection to daml

We are building a hybrid application based on local database and blockchain
where some fields of the local database contain references to the blockchain
we have to choose the db and we need to know which db is supported by the most used blockchain platforms (and supported by DAML)
therefore: 1. db with http access or jdbc?
2. what is the db most commonly supported by the platforms?

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Hi @Tiziano_Sella,
If you want to run Daml on top of a SQL database your best option is PostgreSQL at the moment. In addition to that, we are also working on the Daml Driver for Oracle if PostgreSQL is not an option.

There is no support for other databases at the moment.

Both the Daml Driver for PostgreSQL as well as the Daml Driver for Oracle connect via jdbc.

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Grazie !

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are there ready examples?

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What specifically do you need examples for? The docs I linked above Daml Driver for PostgreSQL — Daml SDK 1.13.0 documentation show you how you can setup the Daml Driver for PostgreSQL.

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