What is the default interval between Canton ACS commitments?
Is this configurable, and if so, how?
What is the default interval between Canton ACS commitments?
Is this configurable, and if so, how?
Currently, the default value is 60 seconds.
It is a domain parameter that you can change via config, as shown in this demo example:
canton {
domains {
banking {
domain-parameters {
reconciliation-interval = 1s
Note that when a participant connects to a domain, it persists this value. If/when it tries to reconnect to the domain and the value has changed, then it will refuse to reconnect to this domain (so you shouldn’t change the value once the domain is up and running).
I’m working on making this a dynamic domain parameter that you will be able to change once the domain is up and running (see: Operational Processes — Daml SDK 2.0.0 documentation). It should land in Canton 2.1.0
I hope this answers the question.