I am trying to setup my canton arquitecture with json api,

When i try to create contracts with json api i get this error:

At first i tried with the commands in this post, but as i am creating my canton network i follow the example in documentation : Getting Started — Daml SDK 2.7.6 documentation

A participant is created, which connects to a domain, the dar file is uploaded, but it is not possible to create the contract,

What am i missing here?

Can you share your Canton setup & config? How did you create the participant, connect the domain, …?

Participant1 (remote) config file:

Participant1 init:

Participant1 status:

Participant2 (remote) config file:

Participant2 init:

Participant2 status:

Domain (remote) config file:

Domain status:

To create contrats i use the party id in the parties.json file as you said in this topic:

Are you trying to do a multi-party submission, i.e., does your user have actAs & readAs rights for both Alice & Bob (or if you’re not using user management, do you have a token with actAs & readAs claims for both)?

All parties you submit for must be hosted on the same participant.

Yes, i want to create contracts with alice and exercise them with bob, (both remote participants) and then store the contracts in postgres.

I have a JWT token with actAs (partyID Alice) and readAs (partyID Bob), but i got these partyID from the json file created early whit this command:

daml start --script-option --output-file=parties.json

I was uploading the dar file on the participants and not in the domain.


Dar uploaded in the domain and now i am getting this error, and i have not changed the code, any clue?

Just to clarify, the party ids in this canton arquitecture ( Participant1, Participant2 and Domain) are the same as the ones created in the json file? because i uploaded that dar, correct?

Thank you

The parties in the JSON file will be on the Canton participant if the daml script command that produced the JSON file was run agains that participant.

Party creation has nothing to do with DAR uploads; the fact that daml script can run a DAR does not mean that uploading that same DAR to a ledger has any effect.

It’s unclear that parties or party IDs are the problem in your screenshot, though. That screenshot does look like a missing DAR files on the Canton ledger.

1 Like

Hello Gary, thanks for the answer, i understand now the connection between the JSON file and Canton, but i am still getting that error,

I run the command “daml start --script-option --output-file=parties.json” in remote domain that updated the JSON file.

I uploaded the dar in the remote domain with the comand:


and checked in both remote participants with the command:



Using Json Api in participant1 and with the parties in json file created by first command, i try to create a contract without success,

What am i doing wrong?

Hi @Bernardo,

We’ll need a little bit more information on exactly how you’ve set things up here. First off, daml start is a development convenience tool that may not be suitable at all. It generally starts a sandbox and runs its scripts against it, which may not be related to any of your otherwise running participants.

Can you share, specifically:

  • Your daml.yaml.
  • Whether you run any other command than daml start (e.g. to start an additional participant, or the JSON API), and if so which ones.

Thank you for your support,

My yaml file:

sdk-version: 2.1.1
name: Project
source: daml
version: 0.0.1
init-script: Lights:initializeUser
- daml-prim
- daml-stdlib
- daml-script

My file.daml:

module Lights where

import Daml.Script

type RequestChangeId = ContractId RequestChange
type ChangeId = ContractId Change

data Place = Room | Living_Room | Hall | Conference_Room

data State = ON | OFF

data LedgerParties = LedgerParties with
  alice : Party
  bob : Party

template RequestChange
 asker : Party
 answerer : Party
 place : Place
 currentState : State
  signatory asker
  observer answerer

choice Accept : ChangeId
    feedback : Text
    newState : State 
  controller answerer 
    assertMsg "A state cannot be changed for equal." (currentState /= newState)
    create Change with ..

template Change
  asker : Party
  answerer : Party
  place : Place
  newState : State
  feedback : Text
   signatory asker, answerer

initializeUser : Script LedgerParties
 initializeUser = do
    partyAlice <- allocatePartyWithHint "alice" (PartyIdHint "alice")
    partyBob <- allocatePartyWithHint "bob" (PartyIdHint "bob")

    alice <- validateUserId "alice"
    bob <- validateUserId "bob"
    _ <- createUser (User alice (Some partyAlice)) [CanActAs partyAlice]
    _ <- createUser (User bob (Some partyBob)) [CanActAs partyBob]
    pure (LedgerParties partyAlice partyBob)


To initialize Domain:

To initialize Participant1:

To initialize Participant2:

After Initialization in Domain (Participants connected):

Upload Dar in domain:

Check in Participant1:

start JSON API in participant1:


Can you run daml damlc inspect-dar --json path/to/your/dar | jq '.main_package_id' to get the package id of the DAR you’re uploading and then check if it’s contained in the list of package ids you see in the JSON API log?

i get nothing

.main_package_id wasn’t a placeholder. You should actually run that.

You missed the dot before main_package_id.

sorry, now it worked

Any chance you could get us the text of those messages instead of screenshots? It’s really hard to check whether that template ID is in the list given by the JSON API based on screenshots.

Of course,

daml damlc inspect-dar --json .daml/dist/Project-0.0.1.dar | jq ‘.main_package_id’



DAML_SDK_VERSION=2.1.1 daml json-api --ledger-host --ledger-port 5011 --http-port 7575 --allow-insecure-tokens
07-06-2022 11:35:00.790 [main] INFO com.daml.http.Main - Config(ledgerHost=, ledgerPort=5011, address=, httpPort=7575, portFile=None, packageReloadInterval=5 seconds, packageMaxInboundMessageSize=None, maxInboundMessageSize=4194304, tlsConfig=TlsConfiguration(false,None,None,None,None,REQUIRE,false,None), jdbcConfig=None, staticContentConfig=None, allowNonHttps=true, wsConfig=None, nonRepudiationCertificateFile=None, nonRepudiationPrivateKeyFile=None, nonRepudiationPrivateKeyAlgorithm=None, surrogateTpIdCacheMaxEntries=None), context: {instance_uuid: “443f6023-8541-430b-94b7-ceec4c2634d1”}
07-06-2022 11:35:01.235 [] INFO akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger - Slf4jLogger started
07-06-2022 11:35:01.595 [] INFO com.daml.http.HttpService - HTTP Server pre-startup, context: {instance_uuid: “443f6023-8541-430b-94b7-ceec4c2634d1”}
07-06-2022 11:35:01.932 [] INFO com.daml.http.LedgerClient - Attempting to connect to the ledger (600 attempts), context: {instance_uuid: “443f6023-8541-430b-94b7-ceec4c2634d1”}
07-06-2022 11:35:02.697 [] INFO com.daml.http.LedgerClient - Attempt 1/600 succeeded!, context: {instance_uuid: “443f6023-8541-430b-94b7-ceec4c2634d1”}
07-06-2022 11:35:02.702 [] INFO com.daml.http.LedgerClient - Attempting to connect to the ledger (600 attempts), context: {instance_uuid: “443f6023-8541-430b-94b7-ceec4c2634d1”}
07-06-2022 11:35:02.707 [] INFO com.daml.http.LedgerClient - Attempt 1/600 succeeded!, context: {instance_uuid: “443f6023-8541-430b-94b7-ceec4c2634d1”}
07-06-2022 11:35:02.708 [] INFO com.daml.http.HttpService - contractDao: None, context: {instance_uuid: “443f6023-8541-430b-94b7-ceec4c2634d1”}
07-06-2022 11:35:03.437 [] INFO com.daml.http.Main - Started server: (ServerBinding(/,None), context: {instance_uuid: “443f6023-8541-430b-94b7-ceec4c2634d1”}
07-06-2022 11:36:07.481 [] INFO com.daml.http.Endpoints - Incoming POST request on http://localhost:7575/v1/create from unknown, context: {instance_uuid: “443f6023-8541-430b-94b7-ceec4c2634d1”, request_id: “d8318328-9493-44c5-a1bb-4b95571012ec”}
07-06-2022 11:36:11.659 [] INFO com.daml.http.PackageService - new package IDs loaded: 86828b9843465f419db1ef8a8ee741d1eef645df02375ebf509cdc8c3ddd16cb, cc348d369011362a5190fe96dd1f0dfbc697fdfd10e382b9e9666f0da05961b7, 6839a6d3d430c569b2425e9391717b44ca324b88ba621d597778811b2d05031d, 99a2705ed38c1c26cbb8fe7acf36bbf626668e167a33335de932599219e0a235, e22bce619ae24ca3b8e6519281cb5a33b64b3190cc763248b4c3f9ad5087a92c, d58cf9939847921b2aab78eaa7b427dc4c649d25e6bee3c749ace4c3f52f5c97, 6c2c0667393c5f92f1885163068cd31800d2264eb088eb6fc740e11241b2bf06, 8a7806365bbd98d88b4c13832ebfa305f6abaeaf32cfa2b7dd25c4fa489b79fb, c1f1f00558799eec139fb4f4c76f95fb52fa1837a5dd29600baa1c8ed1bdccfd, 733e38d36a2759688a4b2c4cec69d48e7b55ecc8dedc8067b815926c917a182a, 65921e553a353588e950cbc87e98a127730e63295f7ad8d3adae952ef0133b3e, f20de1e4e37b92280264c08bf15eca0be0bc5babd7a7b5e574997f154c00cb78, 3f4deaf145a15cdcfa762c058005e2edb9baa75bb7f95a4f8f6f937378e86415, bfcd37bd6b84768e86e432f5f6c33e25d9e7724a9d42e33875ff74f6348e733f, 57b5c520512c24035057aa4c783cb7ac7f3f49db29806280962e188be7aadb66, 518032f41fd0175461b35ae0c9691e08b4aea55e62915f8360af2cc7a1f2ba6c, cb0552debf219cc909f51cbb5c3b41e9981d39f8f645b1f35e2ef5be2e0b858a, 76bf0fd12bd945762a01f8fc5bbcdfa4d0ff20f8762af490f8f41d6237c6524f, 852d8e3a8ccf952acc73e17522846bc1eb41498e840d637e519ddcca7dbc7671, d14e08374fc7197d6a0de468c968ae8ba3aadbf9315476fd39071831f5923662, 057eed1fd48c238491b8ea06b9b5bf85a5d4c9275dd3f6183e0e6b01730cc2ba, e491352788e56ca4603acc411ffe1a49fefd76ed8b163af86cf5ee5f4c38645b, 40f452260bef3f29dede136108fc08a88d5a5250310281067087da6f0baddff7, 97b883cd8a2b7f49f90d5d39c981cf6e110cf1f1c64427a28a6d58ec88c43657, context: {ledger_id: “participant1”, request_id: “d8318328-9493-44c5-a1bb-4b95571012ec”, instance_uuid: “443f6023-8541-430b-94b7-ceec4c2634d1”, application_id: “foobar”, read_as: “List(bob::1220649b43530aabe92d941de529d021b18ac09cefd0880f5df928a47effd80f40c8)”, act_as: “List(alice::1220649b43530aabe92d941de529d021b18ac09cefd0880f5df928a47effd80f40c8)”}
07-06-2022 11:36:11.671 [] INFO com.daml.http.Endpoints - Responding to client with HTTP 400 Bad Request, context: {instance_uuid: “443f6023-8541-430b-94b7-ceec4c2634d1”, request_id: “d8318328-9493-44c5-a1bb-4b95571012ec”}

i checked the package IDs loaded and it is not there

Looking at your earlier logs, I don’t see the DAR actually uploaded: participant1.dars.list() shows only the builtin AdminWorkflows not your own DAR.

Maybe try uploading via daml ledger upload-dar to participant 1.

1 Like

I manage to upload the dar into participant1 and now i can see it in JSON API,


But now i get this error:

Hi @Bernardo,

That error is not actually surprising at that point. Let’s go back a step: when you tell the domain to upload a DAR to all participants, the DAR does not get added to participant1. But when you explicitly upload to participant1, that works, so participant1 itself is not broken.

This suggests that your first issue is that the domain and the participants are somehow not talking to each other, which seems to be corroborated by this new error message. I’m also a bit surprised that the result to your participants.all.dars.upload command is empty. I’d somehow expect a map of participant to result there.

I’m not familiar enough with Canton to help with debugging this but I think that’s the first thing you should look into. (Moving forward, we’ve still not solved the daml start issue either, but one thing at a time.)