Hello cocreature, thanks for the answer,
I understood what i got wrong, and i already create a contract with JSON API,
First my partyid was wrong, i got it from navigator:
ALICE: party-cf4ce109-c007-45d7-839e-2f7756e5e5de::1220124aba0791c61bac337ed9319ce99bf9e96259acb554c2fbb244d20155bcfc95
BOB: party-660bf503-c37d-4aca-88ed-b2df54d1e940::1220124aba0791c61bac337ed9319ce99bf9e96259acb554c2fbb244d20155bcfc95
I fill out asker with partyid ALICE and answerer with partyid BOB,
This means that when i create a contract i have to use these ids for each fiel.
How can i get a partyid like your example Alice::… and Bob::… ?
Like: Alice::1220124aba0791c61bac337ed9319ce99bf9e96259acb554c2fbb244d20155bcfc95 ?
When i run this command why dont i get the same partyids as the navigator?
daml script --dar .daml/dist/script-example-0.0.1.dar --script-name ScriptExample:allocateParties --ledger-host localhost --ledger-port 6865 --output-file ledger-parties.json
Ledger-parties.json file:
(the first part of the partyid is different from the navigator but the second part is equal)
If it helps here are my daml files: