Python and DAML, a great perspective from @Levente_Barczy

Hi DAMLers,
here is a new blog post is out from @Levente_Barczy : Programming Smart contracts – A look into Python & DAML

How Python and DAML are working together?

The DAML community focuses on ensuring that DAML can run without changes across any persistence layer, including distributed ledgers or databases. That’s called DAML portability, and ensures that developers looking to write smart contracts need not worry about which ledger or database their distributed applications will use to create a single version of the truth across parties. Portability is enabled by the DAML runtime that abstracts the underlying data storage layer from the smart contracts layer. Check it out:

Any questions to @Levente_Barczy or @ManishGrover on these topics?


It’s interesting that there was no mention of DAZL in the article.

I know that we officially encourage users to work with the langauge-agnostic REST API, a stance with which I wholeheartedly agree; but DAZL still has a presence, if e.g. you google “daml python” It turns up several times in the top 10 results.

Is it worth clarifying this somewhere?

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DAZL is community supported at the moment, if you want to write automation we recommend that you use DAML triggers instead which are well supported and allow you to write your automation in DAML itself.

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Thanks all for the clarification.

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