Proposal accept patter / multi-party submissions

I just wanted to confirm something before I set out on coding a proposal/accept pattern for my smart contract after having read the latest post by Robert

My question is, has the Proposal/Accept pattern changed in any way since the introduction of multi-party submissions or do I just continue as before?

Hope my question makes sense.


There is a slight “it depends”, but only a slight one. The new feature allows you to create multi-sig contracts without a propose/accept workflow, but only if you control all signatories. In other words. I’d think of having multiple parties in actAs on your access token as an administrative scenario. Eg if you run Daml on a centralized SQL database, and control the IAM system, you can use this feature to very quickly initialize your ledger.

So unless you are looking at a scenario where you can guarantee that you control all parties and the IAM, and all involved parties are hosted on the same node, you will want to stick to the classic propose/accept.


Ok, thank you. I shall continue as I am in that case.
Thanks again.