Another attempt to explore DAML using Proposal-Acceptance model

Hi all,

here is my another work illustrating DAML proposal-acceptance model, as a follow-up and step further after my first work. Largely based on tutorial 6, which is a good example to reflect real business life, this illustration shows how choices selected in one contract will instantiate another contract instance in a different template.

Have a nice weekend!

cheers, kc


Nice article, thanks @kctam. In there you reference DAML Intro 6, so I guess you’ve read most of that section of the documentation. Do you have any feedback? Was it helpful and easy to consume?

I’m currently writing chapters 8-11 so any feedback would be of use. Check out if you want to take a peek.

Hi @bernhard,
Thanks a lot. Yes I finished 6th and am going to explore 7th. I can share with you some comments on these tutorials. Let me finish the 7th and get back to you.