PingPongReactive - Trying to get it ran against a real Ledger

I’m trying to run this ping-pong-reactive project (Example project — Daml SDK 1.18.1 documentation).

First i had to enhance the client to be secured over TLS and identify the token. Next i had to use a netty client since i needed to increase its maxInboundMessageSize but now i’m stuck with below error indicating that i failed due to a missing ping-pong module on the Ledger.

RuntimeException(“Module PingPong is not available on the ledger”)

I’m new to DAML so am i suppose to create such package on my Ledger. Is it something like this?

  sdk-version: 0.11.3
  name: PingPongExample
  source: daml/PingPong.daml
  - Alice
  - Bob
version: 2

Yes, exactly, in order for you to program applications against Daml models you first have to compile and upload those models to the ledger you want to use. The process by which this happens and the tooling built around it depends on the ledger operator, for production setups. In principle, if the Ledger API is accessible, you can use the daml ledger upload-dar command in the SDK assistant (daml ledger upload-dar --help for further details on how to use it).

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