Onboarding a new participant and using audience based JWT for user management

The audience based JWT tokens require the audience to be https://daml.com/jwt/aud/participant/someParticipantId, however the participant id is known only after the participant node is brought up. For instance, if I have a config like

participants {
   hooli {

I initially assumed that hooli is the participant id and set up my identity provider to give this audience to tokens: https://daml.com/jwt/aud/participant/hooli. However, canton expects the full participant id that has some hash in the end.

I am confused on how to configure my identity provider, since I don’t know the participant id until it is brought up. I am thinking that I will have to dynamically set up the identity provider after the participant joins. Can someone help me figure this out?

You’re completely right that it is difficult to setup authorization for that. That’s why Daml 2.6.1 added a new feature where you can instead configure the audience that the participant validates your token against.

The configuration looks something like this

canton {
  participants {
    participant {
      ledger-api {
        auth-services = [{
          type = jwt-rs-256-jwks
          url = "https://example.com/.well-known/jwks.json"
          target-audience = "https://example.com"