Non exhaustive pattern match error in class instance

To convert records from old versions to new, I have a typeclass with a convert function. There is an instance for every type of record. (Cf. previous question.)

class Converter c1 c2 where
  convert : c1 -> c2

There exist instances for many record types like e.g.:

instance C1 C2 where
  convert (C1 with ..) = C2 with ..

Now, I try to define one instance that just handles arrays of other types:

instance (Converter c1 c2) => Converter [c1] [c2] where                                                                
  convert [c1] = map convert [c1]                                                                                      

This yields the error

Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive                                                                                 
In an equation for ‘convert’:                                                                                        
Patterns not matched:                                                                                                

I don’t get where the incomplete pattern match is, or how it could be made complete. Does someone understand this problem?

Thanks a lot,

[c1] is a list with a single element. So as the error message suggests lists with 0 or 2 or more elements are not covered. You can just drop the brackets and you should be good:

convert c1 = map convert c1

That worked, thank you very much!


To clarify a little bit for the benefit of future readers, there are three different [c1] in this code snippet:

-- Here, we're in the realm of types; c1 and c2 are
-- type variables and [c1] means the type "list of
-- which the elements are of type c1".
instance (Converter c1 c2) => Converter [c1] [c2] where
  -- Here we've moved from the realm of types to
  -- the realm of values. On the left, we're making
  -- an assignment, and thus [c1] is a pattern match
  -- that will match a list of exactly one element,
  -- and we name that one element c1. On the right,
  -- [c1] means we are constructing a list of one
  -- element which happens to be the value bound to
  -- the c1 symbol.
  convert [c1] = map convert [c1]