I was trying to setup a make file as provided in the video tutorial and I just setup a build target to see it working. But surprisingly only first command gets executed:
For example:
echo ‘building’
cd nft && daml build
cd nft && daml codegen js -o daml.js .daml\dist*.dar
And when I run it, only first command executes:
PS C:\Gary\MyRnD\daml\daml-private-nft> make build01
make i info Invoking build01 target
make i info Build success in 27ms
And when I change it like this:
cd nft && daml build
cd nft && daml codegen js -o daml.js .daml\dist*.dar
it executes the build command:
PS C:\Gary\MyRnD\daml\daml-private-nft> make build02
make i info Invoking build02 target
Compiling nft to a DAR.
Created .daml\dist\nft-0.0.1.dar
make i info Build success in 1587ms
This way I can not be able to use make as expected.
Any suggestions/solutions to this problem.
Note: I am using a Windows 10 machine (NOT a MAC)
Hi @garymbansal,
is notoriously finicky about its file format. I’m also unsure where those info
logs come from. Could you please:
- Paste your entire Makefile in-between triple quotes.
- Paste the result of
make --version
- Paste the result of
make -d build01
- Give us a bit more information on your environment, e.g. where does your
come from and how did you install it.
1 Like
Hi @Gary_Verhaegen,
True. So far my make
journey is quite unstable as its behaviour is unpredictable, especially in case of windows.
- Make file:
cd nft && daml build
cd nft && daml codegen js -o "daml.js" ".daml/dist/nft-0.0.1.dar"
And when I run this, only first command in the recipe gets executed but not the another one:
PS C:\Gary\MyRnD\daml\daml-private-nft> make build
make i info Invoking build target
Compiling nft to a DAR.
Created .daml\dist\nft-0.0.1.dar
make i info Build success in 1864ms
Also, if I use wild card in daml codegen command, it doesn’t work either:
cd nft && daml codegen js -o "daml.js" ".daml/dist/*.dar"
It gives the below error:
> make build
make i info Invoking build target
daml2js: .daml/dist/*.dar: openBinaryFile: invalid argument (Invalid argument)
daml-helper: Received ExitFailure 1 when running
Raw command: "C:\\Users\\gaura\\AppData\\Roaming\\daml\\sdk\\1.16.0\\daml2js\\daml2js" -o daml.js .daml/dist/*.dar
make × ERR cd nft && daml codegen js -o "daml.js" ".daml/dist/*.dar"
make × ERR Recipe exited with code %d
(node:22604) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Recipe exited with code %d
at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (C:\Users\gaura\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\make\src\cli.js:143:28)
at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:198:13)
at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:982:16)
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:259:5)
(node:22604) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). (rejection id: 1)
(node:22604) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.
> make --version
> make -d build01
make:cli Make init CLI with env namespace success name options +0ms
make:cli No target all +6ms
make:cli Load templates from 3 directories +2ms
make:cli Load templates from C:\Users\gaura\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\make\templates +2ms
$ make <target...> [options]
--help Show this help output
--version Show package version
--debug Enable extended log output
build Run target build
ava Generate ava setup (ava)
cli Generate cli setup (minimist, tabtab, ge...)
default Generate default setup (babel-cli, babel-plu...)
eslint Generate eslint setup (eslint, eslint-confi...)
livereactload Generate livereactload setup (babel-plugin-react-t...)
mocha Generate mocha setup (mocha)
simple Generate simple setup
- Environment Details:
OS: Windows 10
make: installed make - npm (npmjs.com)
location: C:\Users\gaura\AppData\Roaming\npm\make
Though, I have got my own version which is working well on windows:
cd nft && daml build
build: build-pre
cd nft && daml codegen js -o "daml.js" ".daml/dist/nft-0.0.1.dar"
if not exist deploy (mkdir deploy)
deploy: deploy-pre
copy "nft/.daml/dist/*.dar" "deploy"
if exist "nft/daml.js" (rmdir /s/q "nft/daml.js")
clean-daml: clean-daml-js
if exist "nft/.daml" (rmdir /s/q "nft/.daml")
clean: clean-daml
if exist deploy (rmdir /s/q "deploy")
But I feel this one is very limited & ugly and I am sure can be better.
Ah. So this is actually just not GNU Make at all. It seems to be some shim command installed by some npm package somewhere.
My recommendation would be to frankly just ignore make
and Makefile
s and just run the three build commands yourself, manually.
Regarding the wildcard not working, that’s actually somewhat expected. Wildcards are a unix shell feature, so that would not work on Windows. They also never work within quotes anyway, so even in a Bash shell the exact command you showed would not work.
In this case, you actually don’t need a wildcard: you can just type the real name of the DAR file instead. There should be only one.
It’s hard to be sure because of how copy/pasting in the browser can screw things up, but it looks like your two-commands Makefile example is using spaces instead of tabs. GNU Make would error out on that, but given that you’re using a substitute, maybe it’s not handling error conditions as well and instead just runs the first one.
Well to be honest, in my VS Code, its the tab. Never mind, I will move on and will make make
some other time
And many thanks to look into this