Mod note: This issue is now resolved
Unfortunately logins to do not currently work due to errors in Auth0:
If you are already logged in, or using service accounts to authenticate, you are not affected.
We will continue to update our status as Auth0 updates theirs.
Please be aware that this affects Artifactory (access for new users but existing users with API tokens should continue to work) and our Zendesk Support portal. We are tracking status updates with Auth0 for remediation.
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The outage still exists affecting new logins to
- Daml Hub
- Artifactory
- Zendesk
The next update in 30 mins
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The outage still exists affecting new logins to
- Daml Hub
- Artifactory
- Zendesk
The next update in 30 mins
Services Restored for all new logins to Daml Hub, Zendesk and Artifactory.
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