Ledger API v2 endpoints?

The Ledger API Reference has v1 and v2 endpoints.

  • Which versions of Canton include the v1 endpoints?
  • Which versions of Canton include the v2 endpoints?

Experimentation suggests that:

  • Canton 2.x versions include v1 endpoints.
  • Canton 3.x versions include v2 endpoints.

At least, that is what is exposed through gRPC reflection.

Here is what I did:

DAML_SDK_VERSION=2.9.3 daml new v2api

cd v2api

daml start
grpcurl -plaintext localhost:6865 list

Then, edit the daml.yaml file with various Daml versions and re-run the experiment.

I did not try hitting endpoints that are not exposed through gRPC reflection.

Additionally, @ivett pointed me to this page in GitHub.

That is correct. v1 interfaces are confined to 2.x and v2 to 3.x

The code for v2 interfaces is physically present in the 2.x branch (work on their development started long before they were released to the clients). However you cannot enable them or make them appear on the grpc endpoint.

Thanks for the pointer to the github page. I will update it to better reflect the reality.