Hi DA Youtube Team/Person,
I note that @SteveSeow has done a great job of indexing all the Daml Hackthon videos on Youtube, such as:
- https://www.youtube.com/asdaoykokn079im83adwerlhheruifer?index=1
- https://www.youtube.com/asda3473478dfuhrdadwerlhheruifer?index=2
… etc
N.B. URLs above are NOT valid, for demonstration only.
This allows the consecutive viewing of the content.
Would it be possible for any of the previous content to be so indexed if it was part of a series, such as # DerivHack2019 1/3: Introduction to DAML?
As you have to go looking for Parts 2/3 & 3/3 … just to make it easier for newcomers.