I’ve downloaded the IOU contract from Parties and Authority — Daml SDK 2.7.6 documentation and launched the daml sandbox
in one terminal, plus daml json-api --ledger-host localhost --ledger-port 6865 --http-port 7575 --allow-insecure-tokens
in another. But I can’t seem to get any response. I’ve tried curl -X GET ""
, but get no response.
curl -X GET “”
[+] ledger ok
readyz check passed
curl -H “application/json” -X POST “” -d ‘{“templateId”: “Iou:Iou”,“payload”: {“issuer”: “Alice”,“owner”: “Alice”,“currency”: “USD”,“amount”: “999.99”,“observers”: } }’
{“errors”:[“missing Authorization header with OAuth 2.0 Bearer Token”],“status”:401}
Any help on what I’m doing wrong?
Hi @hendrehayman, welcome to the forum!
The /livez
endpoint always returns an empty response. The only relevant information here is the 200 status code to indicate that the server is live. This is intended to be used as something like k8s liveness probe whereas /readyz
can be used for the readyness probe.
As for the second error when making a query, for the JSON API you always need to supply a JWT even if the underlying ledger runs without authorization. The JSON API does not validate the JWT but it infers the party and other fields from the token. You can find more information on this in our documentation.
Using the example token in the documentation, a request to query all active contracts could look as follows:
curl localhost:7575/v1/query -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJodHRwczovL2RhbWwuY29tL2xlZGdlci1hcGkiOnsibGVkZ2VySWQiOiJNeUxlZGdlciIsImFwcGxpY2F0aW9uSWQiOiJmb29iYXIiLCJhY3RBcyI6WyJBbGljZSJdfX0.atGiYNc9HfBFbm8s9j5vvMv2sJUlVprFiRmLeoUpJeY"
Thank you so much. I’ll try this now.
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